Plan your visit
Preparing a visit to Voorlinden? Here you can find all the information you need to know, from directions by car or public transportation to admission fees.

Discover current and upcoming exhibitions in museum Voorlinden.

Opening hours & admission
Museum Voorlinden is open every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, between 11:00 and 17:00 – including public holidays.

The artworks on display at museum Voorlinden cannot be described – one must undergo them.

Tours & Group visits
Would you like to know more about our museum, art works and architecture? Ask us about the possibilities.

Voorlinden organizes different kinds of events alongside its exhibitions. For instance Artist Talks, concerts and lectures.

Voorlinden’s restaurant is open daily from 10.30 until 18.00 hours. You are welcome, also without a museum ticket.

Museum Voorlinden is surrounded by nature. Forest, dunes, winding waters, vast grasslands and gardens characterize the landscape.

It is our aim to give everyone a pleasant stay. On this page you can find information about the facilities and accessibility of Voorlinden.

House rules
We want to present and protect our art as good as possible and to guarantee the quality of each visit. Therefore we kindly ask you to respect our house rules.

Getting here
Voorlinden is accessible by car, by public transport and by bike.

At museum Voorlinden, there is plenty to do for the whole family. The entire museum is a journey of discovery for children.