Monday 21 August
Yang Yang Cai (1998) was only five years old when she started piano lessons with Noor Relijk. She later studied with Jan Wijn and developed into an award-winning pianist: she won the Nationaal Concours Jong Muziektalent and prestigious Grand Prix Youri Egorov in the international YPF Piano Competition, among others. Earlier this year, she released her international debut album La Leggierrezza featuring Liszt’s piano works. At Voorlinden, she plays:
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata no. 32 in c minor, opus 111
- Enrique Granados – Quejas ó la maja y el ruiseñor (Goyescas, no. 4)
- Sergei Rachmaninov – Six moments musicaux, opus 16
9.15 am Restaurant open
9.30 am Auditorium in museum open
10.00 am Concert Yang Yang Cai in auditorium
(Please note: doors close at 10 am, so be on time!)
10.00 am End
Ticket, including a museum visit afterwards, costs 30 euros.
buy your ticket